Chronicle December 2023


Rev.B.R Kharnaior
Administrative Secretary
Presbyterian Church of India.

“Namar ha ngi la kha ia u khun, la ai ia u khun ha ngi, te ka jingsynshar kan long halor ka tyrpeng jong u; bad yn khot ia ka kyrteng jong u U Baphylla, U Nongsylla, U Blei Bakhrawbor, U Kpa bymjukut, U Syiem ka Jingsuk”- (Isaiah.9:6)

Ka por Khristmas ka la wan bad baroh ngi ia pynkhreh da ka jingkmen bad pynbunkam ialade ruh ha kiei kiei, kumno ban rakhe ia ka Khristmas ha kane ka snem. Katei ka dkhot haneng katkum u Isaiah, ka iathuh ha ngi ia ka jingai bad ka jingkha ia u Jisu Khrist kaba long ka jingai ka ba khraw tam ba la ai da U Blei ha ngi ki khun bynriew ka pynshisha ha ngi ba U Trai jong ka Khristmas U long U Baphylla, U Nongsylla, U Blei Bakhrawbor, U Kpa bymjukut bad U Syiem ka Jingsuk.

Haba ngi pdiang ia kaba kat kata ka jingai kaba khraw tam U Blei, kaei pat ka bynta jong ngi?

Ka Khristmas ka dei ka aiom kmen kaba pynkynmaw ia ngi shaphang ka jingkha ia U Jisu Khrist, U Nongpynim bad U Nongsiewspah jong ngi. Ka Bible ka kren shai ba ka jingkha ia U Jisu Khrist ka dei ka khubor kaba kmen bad kaba bha tam eh. Ha u Loukas 2:14, la thoh kumne, “Ka burom ha U Blei ha kiba jrong tam eh; bad ha ka pyrthei ka jingsuk hapdeng ki briew ha kiba U sngewbha eh”. Ka Khristmas hi ka dei ka sngi ka jingwan longbriew U Jisu Khrist, Loukas 2:11 ka ong; “Naba ha kane ka sngi la kha iaphi, ha ka shnong u David, ia U Nongpynim Uba long U Khrist Uba U Trai”. Namarkata, ka jingsngewthuh bad ka jingpynkhreh Khristmas ka dei ban long kat kum kata ka jingsngewthuh hi.

Ka jingkdew katto katne shaphang ka jingsngewthuh ka pyrthei kaba ngi im ia ka por Khristmas:
 Ka por jong ka jinglehkmen (festive season)
 Ka por jong ka jingiashem baieit bathoin(family reunion)
 Ka por shangkai bad jngohkai pyrthei(Holidays season)
 Ka por jong ka jingpynitynnad ia ki ing ki sem (makeover and decoration)
 Ka por jong ka jingphong ia ki jain ba thymmai (new clothings)
 Ka por jong ka jingiakynduh paralok (meeting new friends)
 Kiwei kiwei ki jingthmu kiba ngin ym lah ban pynrung lut ha kane ka jingthoh.

Kane ka long ka lyer jingsngewthuh jong ki babun haba kren shaphang ka Khristmas bad ka aiom Khristmas. Ka jingkylli kaba ngi donkam pat ban kylli ka long hato ka Khristmas ka dei tang ka kynja Festival, kaba shu kut noh ha ka jinglehkmen bad ha rukom kumba ka pyrthei ka sngewthuh.

Ha kane ka jingthoh, nga kwah ban wanrah ha ngi lang ia ka khubor shaphang ka Khristmas jong ka jingpyniapher na kiwei pat ki festival ha kane ka pyrthei kaba ngi im.

Ym lah ban len ia ka jingshisha ba ngi im ha ka juk jong ki Festival ba har rukom. Kawei ka Festival hadien kawei pat, ki khring ia ki khun samla, sha ka rukom kaba ka pyrthei ka sngewthuh. Kam long ka Festival khlem ka jinglehkmen (no festival without enjoyment), ka jingsngewthuh kaba bun balang ka long lehkmen (enjoy). Ka long kaba sngewdiaw ban ong ha kine ki khyndiat snem haduh mynta, ka jingsngew kiba bun shaphang ka Khristmas ka lam shata, la shu pynlong ia ka jingrakhe tang kum ka Festival, ban shad, ban kmen, ban leh sngewbha thik kum ka ing U Herod Syiem, ha ka Khristmas banyngkong.

Ka jingpynkhreh Khristmas kan ym long kaba don jingmut lada ngim pynkylla ia kaba kum kata ka jingsngewthuh.

Kane ka phang ka khot ba ngin da sngewthuh haba ngi pynkhreh Khristmas katkum kane ka juk kaba ngi im.

Katto katne ki jingkdew kumne harum:-

1. Sdang pynkylla ia ka rukom jingsngewthuh ba kynja pyrthei:
Ngam bakla ban ong ba u mawjam ba nyngkong jong ka jingpynkhreh Khristmas, ka long da kaba pynkylla ia ka jingsngewthuh ba kynja pyrthei sha ka jingsngewthuh ba kynja Blei. Ka jingpynkhreh ka dei ban long da ka ba pynthymmai ialade bad da ka jingpdiang ia U Jisu ha ka dohnud. U nongrwai shem mynsiem u ong, “To wan ha dohnud Trai Jisu, don jaka ha dohnud jong nga”. Ka dei ka jingkhot ba hakhmat ba U Jisu Un kam kynti ia ka dohnud jong ngi.

2. Wat niew ia ka Khristmas tang kum i tamasa (festival):
Ka jingkhot ba shisha jong ka Khristmas ka long haba ngi pynkhreh ban rakhe ia ka ym dei ban pyniaryngkat ia ka bad kiwei kiwei ki festival (tamasa jinglehkmen). Khristmas kam dei ka festival ne tamasa lehkmen, hynrei ka dei ka sngi ba U Blei U wan ban shim ia ka jinglongbriew, ka jingwan jong U ban shong ha ka pyrthei ha ki briew kiba U sngewbha eh. Haba ngi pdiang ia ka jingwan U Blei ngi donkam ban da pynkhuid ialade bad ia ka dohnud, khnang ba yn shem ia ngi kiba la pynkhreh bha ialade. U Blei U dei ban ioh synshar ia ka jingim jong ngi. To ngin shakri ia U ha ka jingkmen ka dohnud da kaba ngi pdiang ia ka jingpyllaitluid jong U na ki jingkhum baroh jong ka jingim.

3. Shakri ia U Blei ha ka Iing ba kyntang jong U:
Ka jingshakri ia U Blei ha ka Iing jong U lem bad ki riewngeit baroh ka long kaba donkam eh ha kane ka Khristmas. Ka juk kaba ngi im ka jingpynkhreh kiba bun ka long ban leit sahkai shano re shano, ban leit jingleit shano re shano, ban pynlut ia ka jingkmen Khristmas shabar ka Iing U Blei. Ngim ngeit ba U Blei Un sngewbha ha kita ki jingleh. Ka jingkhot namarkata, ka long to ngin wad ia U Blei ha ka Iing U Blei. U nongrwai u ong, “…Jingkmen ha Ïingmane palat sngewbha pyrthei”. Ngi dei ban kot sha kata ka thong ban ong ‘Jingkmen ha Ïingmane palat sngewbha pyrthei’. Dei haba ngi la mad ia ka jingbang U Trai Jisu, ki rukom pyrkhat ban pynkhreh Khristmas katkum ka juk mynta kin ym ioh thaw skum ha ki jingmut jingpyrkhat jong ngi.

To U Blei Un kyrkhu ba ngin ioh ka Khristmas ka badap pura katkum ka nongrim jingshisha ka jingngeit khristan bad ka Ktien U Blei. Ka don ka jingong ka ba ong, ‘ba kam dei ka Khristmas katba ngim pat ithuh ia U Trai jong ka Khristmas’, ‘Kan nym long ka Khristmas lymne ngi pdiang ia Uta u ba la kha ha ka Khristmas bad uba la aiti ialade ba ngin ioh im”, “Kan long ka Khristmas haba uta U Syiem jong ka Khristmas u shim pyniaid bad u synshar ia ka jingim jong ngi met bad mynsiem”.

Ai ba ka jingkmen Khristmas jong ngi kan long kaba U Blei U sngewbha. Ka Khristmas Basuk iaphi baroh.



                                                                                             Sandra Ramsdam
                                                                                                Chronicle, SCYO&C.

Ha ka jingkynmaw jongnga, ka Khristmas myndang khynnah ka iapher baklybak na ka por ba mynta. Tang shu poi u bnai December, ka mynsiem ka la khih dikdik ba kwah poi noh ka Khristmas. Man ki iing la sawa ki jingrwai Khristmas jong u Jim Reeves, ki Boney M, ka Anne Murray bad kiwei ki nongrwai. Ka lyer Khristmas ka beh sngewtynnad wat la ka la dei ka por tlang bakhriat. Sharum shaneng la sma ki rnga na ki shawla lane ki dewiong ba thang ha ki atoskhana (fireplace) bad baroh baroh ki beh ban poi kloi sha iing, ban iashong kai sawdong ka lyngwiar dpei.
Tang shu kut ka exam final, ngi la dawa ban thied Christmas card ban ioh ai ia ki paralok. Ki wan ha ki size bad dur bapher bapher bad tang shu ioh, ngi la thoh iano ngi mut ai. Ha man ka thliew iing, ki ieng ki card shriak, don kiba la suh da ki tyllai ban wah ia ki ter-ly-ter bad don pat kiba la pynieng kyrpang ha ki duli buhkai.Mar ia ioh result na skul, ka la dei ka por ban leit thied jain thymmai. Ki kmie ki kpa ba kham bun ki khun, ki la ialam da u lain ban thew sopti ne juti. Don hateng ba ym biang size, sa ka leit pynphai. Tengteng ha bym sngew lap ialam, shu shim beit da u ksai ban thew jingjrong ka kjat. Ym ju thew ia ka jingiar, kumta da long ne ym long, hap shu hun beit tang ba la ioh juti thymmai. Nangta sa ki jingleit hikai jingrwai bad ruh ki jingleit practice shad, leh drama ban shim bynta ha ka sngi bamdoh.
Ka jingrakhe Khristmas kam kut tang ha ki jingiaseng. Ha ka jaka ba ngi sah mynshuwa, ngi ju ialeh kmen bad ki marjan marpa. Ki kmie ki kpa lem bad ki samla jong katto katne iing kiba ju iasngewtynnad lang ki ju pynlong ka jingbamkhana ha compound jong kiba kham heh jaka. Ngi ju don ruh ki jingialehkai Khristmas hadien ba dep iaid carol, bad la ki riam fancy dress na kawei ka compound iing sha kawei pat. Katba kiba la san ki nang iabun kam ka shet ka tiew, ki khynnah pat la ka ia rwai ia shad halor stage, ba la pynpur da ki kot kudi bad ki bilun (balloon)! Kaba sngewtynnad ka long ba ngi ju sdang beit da ka jingduwai bad ki kpa kiba long ki Rangbah jong ka Balang ki ju kyntu bad ai mynsiem ha kata ka jingiashem lang. Kita ki jinglehkmen ki pynlong ka jingsngewieit sngewjan para marjan bad ngi ialong kum shi iing shi sem.
Ka 24 tarik Nohprah ka long ka sngi ban iaid carol da ka Jingiaseng Khynnah. Oh ki kmie ki bunkam ban pynriam pynbeit ia ki khun. Don kiba riam Mary bad Joseph, don kiba riam riewstad, ki nongaplangbrot, don pat kiba riam Japanese ne ki shipai Rom bad kiwei kwei ki jait riam. Kiba bun ki khynnah kynthei ki sem jainsem arliang bad rah da ki bek jong ki kmie bad ki da sngew syon ia kita ki riam jong ki. Don ki por ba ka Jingiaseng Khynnah jongngi ka ai prize ruh ia kiba riam itynnad tam. Don ruh ki snem ba ki parabangeit ki ai sha sngewbha ia ki khynnah hadien ka jingiaid carol. Ngam ju lah klet haba la pyniaid bad ka kali kulai ha kaba la shong u Santa Claus ne u Father Christmas uba kit bad ka song mitmit (sweets and candies) bad pashat sha ki khynnah kiba peitkai ha ki rud surok.
Ka sngi Khristmas ka dei ka sngi ban leit jingiaseng. Katno ka jingsngewphuhmut phuhmat haba ioh ban phong sopti thymmai. Ka long ka sngi ba baroh ki parabangeit ki poi sha ka jingiaseng lang. Ka dei ka sngi ban ia ot ia u cake Christmas, bad u cake ba kham ia ioh baroh baroh dei u cake Mahari, namar dang duna bha ki nong shet cake. U pudoh, u putharo bad ka doh ki long kiwei de ki jingbam ba kham iabam paidbah. Ka bam miet ka dei ka por ba iabam shi iing shi sem lane bad ki lok ki jor. Ka jadoh, ka dohsyiar ,dohkhlieh ki dei ki bam ba kyrpang, namar ka dohsyiar kam da jyllei kumba long ka doh broiler ha kine ki sngi.
Hadien shisngi ne arsngi, ka don sa ka bam khana Khristmas. Kiba la san ki bunkam ban pynkhreh ia ka bamdoh. Don leilei ba ha ka sngi Khristmas hadien ba la wai jingiaseng, ki rangbah ki ia loit noh ia ki sut ki but, ki ialeit ban kem sniang na sem jong kiba die! Ka jingiamih treikam ka long kaba i muja shisha. Ka long ka por ban iakynduh, ban iakmen ki lok ki jor bad ki parabangeit. Ka jingiatrei lang ka wanrah ia ka jingsngewieit sngewjan parabangeit, bad baroh ha la i bynta bynta, ki iakmen ban iarap lang. Ka sngi bamdoh ka dei ruh ka sngi ban ialehkai ha kiba bun rukom kum ka jingpynbyrngia bad pynsngewtynnad. Ki don kiba pyni ia ki sap rwai sap tem, don kiba ak ha ki skit ne drama, don pat kiba iashad, bad kaba kham khring bha ka dei ka shad Scot (Scottish Dance) bad ka shad Hawaiian. Kane ka shad Khristmas ka la don la slem bha hapdeng jongngi ki Khristan, bad katba nang iaid ki snem ki la nang kham bha bad kham itynnad. Ka jingpynkut ia ka Khristmas ka long hi ha kata ka sngi bamdoh.

Ka jingkmen ha ka jingrakhe ia ka jingwan longbriew U Trai Jisu ka iai bteng na kawei ka snem sha kawei pat, bad nga ngeit iwei pa iwei na ngi ngi don la ki jong ki jingkynmaw shaphang ki Khristmas ba ngi la ioh mad ha ka jingim jongngi. To U Blei ka jingsuk un ai haphi ia ka Khristmas basuk bad bakmen bad ka ban pynsah jingkynmaw ha ki sngi ki rta jongngi lang baroh.



The Peace of Christmas

Mr. Debojit Sircar
Mission Worker SCYO&C.

The Christmas season brings a sense of peace, wonder, and awe. As ministers and leaders and young souls,you have the unique opportunity to welcome everyone into the nativity and the true reason we celebrate this time of year.

Here are few Bible verses about peace and reflections we can use as we share the hope and joy of Christmas with everyone in our life and ministry:

Isaiah 9:6-7

For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called
Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end.

This passage reminds us that the birth of Jesus was foretold and anticipated. For hundreds of years, the people of God waited through tumultuous times for the One that would be the Prince of Peace. For all those facing challenges right now, we can anticipate and look forward to the presence of the Prince of Peace in all of life’s circumstances.

Luke 2:13-14

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
“Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests.”

In this Bible verse about peace, we see the Good News brought to simple shepherds out in the fields. They weren’t important in the eyes of the world, yet God saw them. The peace of the Christmas season is available to all “on whom his favour rests.” That’s us! It doesn’t matter your job, your background, or your past–let there be peace to all this Christmas.

John 14:27

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

There will be many who try to disrupt our peace. The world will try to scare us, trouble us, or weigh us down. But this Bible verse about peace tells us that the peace we encounter in Jesus is different. It is lasting and can withstand any circumstance. This Christmas, thank Jesus for his unique peace and embrace it in your heart.

Romans 15:13

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We think it’s safe to say that we could all use a little hope right now. If we want to overflow with hope ,then we need to be filled with joy and peace .So, this Christmas season, set aside time to spend with the Holy Spirit, building trust in God so you can bring joy, peace, and hope to all. Let this Bible verse about peace become a prayer you hold onto throughout the season.

Ephesians 2:17

He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near.

Whether a person is close or far from God, Jesus reaches out to all of us. Jesus meets us right where we are to give us what we so desperately need: peace. Don’t let doubts, worries, or concerns limit what God can do in your life. Wherever you are this Christmas season, near or far, rest in the promise found in this Bible verse about peace.

Philippians 4:7

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Our world cannot understand true peace–it defies understanding. The world’s definition of peace is often shallow and fleeting. But this Bible verse about peace reassures us that the peace of God is deeper and truer than worldly peace. So go after the peace that transcends understanding. When you do that, your heart and mind will be guarded by the presence of Jesus. All those around you will be amazed at the unshakeable peace you bring to the world.

James 1:17

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

As every child knows, gifts are some of the most exciting joys of the Christmas season. Take some time this month to write down all the “good” and “perfect” gifts you’ve received from above–family, friendships, provision, protection, and most importantly, your relationship with Jesus. Then, purposefully thank God for each gift. The Creator of the heavenly lights (the entire universe!) wants to bless you with gifts, so let’s keep an attitude of gratitude this season. And may we follow God’s example, giving good gifts to those in our lives.

I hope these Bible verses about peace and reflections can serve you as a resource this Christmas season.



Fear Not!

We left behind a small village
And reached a little town;
Our sandals worn, our clothes were torn,
Our food was almost gone.

That busy street of Bethlehem
was packed with sojourners.
The clamour and the din couldn’t drown
The voice that says ,‘Walk on!’

‘Fear not!’ such words would take away
My doubts and unbelief.
Through storms and trials my God is there;
‘Fear not’ is what He’d say.

The bitter cold, the desert storm
The blisters on our feet;
The indifference of eyes that met
Our poorly rustic frame.

On our frail back we felt the weight;
But still we carried on.
Our baby who is Lord of lords and King of kings,
Didn’t have a room to stay!

‘Fear not!’ such words would take away
My doubts and unbelief.
Through storms and trials my God is there;
‘Fear not’ is what He’d say.

By Sandra Ramsdam
